Report a Scam, Nuisance or Spoof Number

Jaintel works closely with other communication providers, law enforcement and regulators to combat scam, nuisance or spoof number activity to help better protect consumers and our customers. By reporting a scam, nuisance or spoof number, you can help us combat this type of activity and beat the fraudsters.

If you believe the number is being used in a way that could defraud or cause harm to the general public, please fill out the form here with as much detail as you can share and we will look into your case. Include important details in the box asking for a brief description as to why the number is being reported such as a URL, if the number is being used on an online site or details of where you saw the number if in print.

You can also report silent, abandoned and scam call activity through the Ofcom site here:

If the number is being used for fraudulent activity, please report to Action Fraud immediately:
